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FAQ Topic: Debris Removal Program

How will I know that the debris removal process has started and completed?

Phase I is complete; EPA posted a sign on each property when the HHW removal was complete. Phase II is in process. USACE employees will be contacting homeowners via phone to provide notice of work start times.  The USACE contractor is required to provide USACE a formal report of completion.  USACE will provide those reports … Continued

What impacts will the project have on the community?

There will be several teams of staff and numerous pieces of heavy equipment along with transport trucks for hauling equipment and waste. Many of these trucks will be parked along roads during the cleanup. These crews will create a good deal of noise, but the time periods will abide by the Sonoma County noise ordinance. … Continued

Will we need to be there, or can we be there, during this process?

Owners are not required to be present for either phase of this process. The safety of the general public and workers is a priority during debris operations. To prevent safety hazards, the public is encouraged to stay away from areas where debris removal operations are underway. Exclusion zones will be established surrounding the current work … Continued

Can I start clearing burn debris from my property?

Ash or debris cannot be removed prior to the completion of Phase I because of hazardous waste and public health hazards. The Phase II portion of the Program is being offered to provide property owners safe and comprehensive debris removal using specialized contractors managed by the Army Corp s of Engineers (Corps). Property owners that … Continued

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