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Sonoma Strong Healing Fair organized by Santa Rosa Holistic Chamber of Commerce

SepSeptember 29 2018

10:00am - 5:00pm Santa Rosa Veterans Building

1351 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401

The Santa Rosa Holistic Chamber of Commerce invites the public to attend the second free Sonoma Strong Healing Fair on September 29  at the Santa Rosa Veterans Building.

The first Sonoma Strong Healing Fair  was held on  December 9, to assist the community with their recovery from the 2017 wildfires and from other traumas.  Approximately 450 people attended the 2017 healing fair, with about 45 practitioners/doctors.

On September 29, the community will again have the opportunity to receive multiple healing treatments, such as massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathic, energy healing, life coaching and more. There will be live music, speakers, vendors, sponsors, a silent auction, raffles, a children’s area and snacks and drinks.

If you have questions or want to volunteer, be a practitioner, sponsor, vendor or donate to the silent auction, send an email to SantaRosa@HolisticChamberOfCommerce.

More information also is available at the Healing Fair’s Facebook page.

The Santa Rosa Holistic Chamber of Commerce is a local chapter of the international Holistic Chamber of Commerce organization.

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