Rebuilding Clinic organized by the Rebuild & Recover Together Coalition
Rebuild & Recover Together will offer a free rebuilding clinic in Santa Rosa on Saturday, August 11.
Fire survivors will have the opportunity to ask questions in small group settings. Registration begins at 11:30am and the event begins at noon.
Topics will include:
- Insurance
- Maximizing insurance proceeds
- Step-by-step rebuilding process
- Enough money to rebuild
- Existing mortgage
- Construction loans
- How to deal with designers, architects, engineers, permits, general contractors, etc.
- Construction contracts and how to hire a contractor
- Legal questions
Property owners are invited to bring their insurance policy, declarations page, estimates, construction contracts, etc., and ask questions.
Advocates and professionals who will be available include representatives of United Policyholders and Legal Aid of Sonoma County.
For more information: Event Flyer
Rebuild & Recover Together is a coalition of October 2017 and prior fire survivors and other advocates donating their time to help fire survivors navigate the rebuilding process.