PG&E Hosting Regional Open House in Santa Rosa for Community Wildfire Safety Program
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is hosting an open house in Santa Rosa for customers in Sonoma County to share information about its Community Wildfire Safety Program. Topics will include expansion of the Public Safety Power Shutoff program, accelerated safety inspections of electric infrastructure, enhanced vegetation management around power lines, and hardening the electric system for the future by replacing equipment and installing stronger and more resilient poles and covered power lines.
PG&E is inviting customers to participate by dropping in any time between 6 and 8 p.m. (no formal presentation will be given). Separate webinars will also be available for those who are unable to attend an event in person. More information, as well as the schedule for upcoming open houses and webinars can be found at
Given the continued and growing threat of extreme weather and wildfires, and as an additional precautionary measure following the 2017 and 2018 wildfires, PG&E is enhancing and expanding its Community Wildfire Safety Program to further reduce wildfire risks and help keep customers and communities safe.
PG&E is also expanding its Public Safety Power Shutoff program to include all electric lines – both distribution and transmission – that pass through high fire-threat areas. Because the energy system relies on power lines working together to provide electricity across cities, counties and regions, power may be shut off even for those who do not live or work in a high fire-threat area or an area experiencing extreme fire danger conditions. PG&E will only proactively turn off lines in the interest of safety to help reduce the likelihood of an ignition when extreme weather and fire danger conditions are forecasted.