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Green-Waste Chipping for City of Santa Rosa Homeowners

FebFebruary 25 2018

9:00am - 2:00pm Coffey Park

1524 Amanda Place, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

The City of Santa Rosa will hold a free chipping event for residential property owners in fire-impacted areas. City residents with fire-damaged green waste on their property are encouraged to bring it to be chipped at the event.

Eligible green waste materials include burned and partially burned brush and felled trees on residential property and adjacent sidewalk areas up to 12” in diameter. The materials cannot be contaminated with fire debris and residents are responsible for transporting their green waste to the chipping sites. The green waste will be chipped at no cost to residents, and the resulting wood chips will be used by the City of Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks Department for various projects throughout the City.

Additional chipping events will be held on the following dates and specified location:

February 24 & March 10
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Nagasawa Park
1313 Fountaingrove Parkway

March 11, 2018
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Coffey Park
1524 Amanda Place

As a reminder, no permit is needed for tree removal within the wildfire burn areas of Santa Rosa city limits. However, residents should photograph the tree’s condition prior to its removal. The photographs will later need to be presented during rebuilding permit or entitlement application submittal.

For more information, visit

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