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City Prepares Residents for Return to Fire Ravaged Neighborhoods

Posted on October 19, 2017


October 19, 2017

City Contact: Elise Howard (707) 321-6498

City Prepares Residents for Return to Fire Ravaged Neighborhoods

SANTA ROSA, CA – The City of Santa Rosa is preparing to allow residents of the most fire damaged neighborhoods to return and visit their property. We are mindful of how difficult this will be for residents and have been readying information and materials so the return is safe and orderly.

Three communities, Orchard Park, Journey’s End and Coffey Park will have controlled entry from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 20. On Saturday October 21, the mobile home parks will be released back to the property owners but Coffey Park will remain a controlled entry area. On Sunday October 22, Coffey Park will be open for public access. This controlled entry is designed to allow only residents into their neighborhood, so they have protected time to assess and grieve.

Re-Entry into These Neighborhoods Will be Organized Through Controlled Entry Points

  • There will be controlled points of entry to neighborhoods staffed by law enforcement who will verify entry passes and addresses.
  • Locations for pass distribution will be:
    • Orchard Park – at the entry of Orchard Mobile Home Park
    • Journey’s End – at the entry of Journey’s End Mobile Home Park
    • Coffey Park – Kohl’s Parking Lot – which will be accessed from Airway Drive –
  • To get an Entry Pass, residents must provide a form of ID. Acceptable forms of ID include a driver’s license or state ID card, passport, utility bill and valid photo ID, or consular ID. School IDs will not be accepted as valid photo ID.
    • If residents do not have ID, the Local Assistance Center (LAC) can help obtain an ID. The LAC is located at the Press Democrat building – 427 Mendocino Avenue in Santa Rosa.
  • Passes for up to two vehicles per property will be issued. Vehicle license plates will be printed on the passes and MUST MATCH the vehicles entering the neighborhood. Residents can have as many family and friends accompany them as they wish, within the two cars per property limit.
  • A map that shows available re-entry points will be provided at pass distribution.

Re-Entry Kits and Safety Instructions

  • A re-entry kit with safety supplies will be provided for residents at the same time as they pick up their passes.
  • Safety instructions for protecting against hazardous chemicals and conditions will also be provided and should be followed.

Support services will be available in each neighborhood
Emotional support services will be available including mental health providers, the faith community and law enforcement chaplains.

Future Re-Entry Plans
Controlled entry will be ended on Orchard Park, Journey’s End and Coffey Park on October 22, 2017. The City is working diligently to reopen the other areas in the burn zone, and hope to
have more information in the next day or two on the re-entry for residents of Fountain Grove.

Media Access to the Coffey Park Neighborhood and Orchard Mobile Home Park
We appreciate all the media has done to keep the public informed and provide information to those outside the community about our needs and recovery efforts. Media personnel will be
able to access these neighborhoods via the controlled points of entry at the same time as residents. Media credentials will need to be presented to law enforcement at the check points. You will be provided with a media packet with information, similar to what residents will receive.

Media Access to Journey’s End Mobile Home Park
The Journey’s End Mobile Home Park is private property. The City cannot grant access to private property.

During re-entry, our focus will be on helping members of our community return to their property, providing them with safe, secure, private time, and making certain that they have the support services they need throughout this process. We ask the members of the media be respectful of the privacy of our residents. Not everyone will want to interview or be on-camera as they reunite with family, friends and neighbors, evaluate their losses, and determine next steps.

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